I love Halloween. I enjoy getting dressed up and getting Mila dressed up. She's 2 1/2, so up until now she's let me pick her halloween costumes, a football, Home Depot worker, and the cracker jack sailor. I think this might have been my last year because she was fighting me on her costume; she wanted to be Minnie Mouse.
Eddie and I went to Target after Halloween to see if we could find a Minnie Mouse costume for next year. I refuse to pay full price. At this point, the costumes were 50% off and I didn't find any Minnie Mouse. We went several days later and the costumes were now 70% off. I thought perfect time to buy costumes for the foster kids for next year, so I bought a few. A few days after that, costumes were 90% off and my local Target had so many great costumes still available. I started loading up my cart, with Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, BB 8, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Beat Bugs, Power Rangers, and so many other great costumes. My cart was so full, people were coming over to rummage through my cart, thinking it was go backs. I would quickly say, "sorry this is mine," and they'd give me a weird look. I had about two carts full of costumes. The pictures below are only a few of the costumes we donated Just Because.